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Who We Are

Founded in 2020, Give Disaster Resources, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit operating on both the West and East Coast that utilizes technology and education to improve the efficiency of managing donations and disaster relief items.


Our mission is to provide disaster relief by improving the efficiency of physical item donations through strategic local partnerships and inventory management education.


Year after year in the U.S., disaster strikes in various forms.  When this occurs, people throughout our communities instinctively want to help those affected. Donors generously begin to donate relief items to local organizations and donation drives; however, more often than not, the relief items are not what are needed.


The influx of unneeded donations create a strain on relief efforts, and over 50% of these items go to waste.  We are here to change that.


Give Disaster Resources partners with local organizations to educate them on  effective donation strategies and inventory management during and after a disaster.  Through these partnerships, we help these organizations set up relief item registries and distribution sites to ensure the most effective and efficient disaster relief.


Help us continue our mission, donate today.


Thank you for GIVING!


David Tarr


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